Monday, February 18, 2013

XCOM Medic

Original art by Moby Francke and Piero McGowan
In this new segment, I aim to introduce each TF2 class as an XCOM soldier, complete with ranked abilities. Today, we're looking at the Medic. Hey, XCOM players! If you have any opinions about the balance on these abilities, let me know in the comments section. Now, I know the Support is basically a field medic unit, so I'm trying not to replicate that skillset too much here. Ironically, that means subverting their role as pure healers a little.

Medics are support units dedicated to keeping units alive and kicking on the field.

Squaddie Rank Ability: Overheal
Adds an additional 2HP to the supported unit, +5% aim, +5% crit chance
Corporal Rank Ability 1: Medigun
Medikits can now reach an additional two tiles.

Corporal Rank Ability 2: Sangfroid
This Medic is not affected by the Fallen Comrades will penalty

Sergeant Rank Ability 1: Field Medic
Allows Medics to carry 3 medkits

Sergeant Rank Ability 2: Defensive
Confers +25% defense to this Medic

Lieutenant Ability 1: Kritzkrieg
Overheal now provides +3HP, +20% aim and +30% crit chance

Lieutenant Ability 2: Uberheal
Overheal now provides +4HP, +15% aim, +10% crit chance

Captain Rank Ability 1: Medical Expert 
Using a medikit  no longer ends the turn. Limit 1 medkit use per turn.

Captain Rank Ability 2: Covering Fire
Prevents reaction shots against dashing allies, deals 75% of the equipped weapon's base damage
Major Rank Ability: Reflecter
Overheal now has a 25% chance of reflecting an opponent's attack back on it

Colonel Rank Ability 1: Recovery
Medic recovers HP% while healing allies. HP is based on percentage healed + armor HP bonus.

Colonel Rank Ability 2: Zombify
 Medic can turn enemy corpse into melee-zombie with 4 HP. Process destroys corpse

1 comment:

  1. Zombify sounds pretty useless. Seriously? 4 hp? A freaking sectoid would be able to one shot one of those, so what's the point? I mean, it would have been kinda cool as an early class ability, but freaking Colonel? An ability that reduces infirmary time like Field Surgeon from Long War would have been much helpful.

    Actually, that ability is kinda like the new Sectoid's Psi Reanimate from XCOM 2, coincidence?
