Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Skidloader

 The Skidloader
Engineer Secondary Unlock

Fires a harmless explosive that restocks allies in its AOE, restocking their current clip.

Alt Fire: Spend Scrap Meter Allies within range have buffed reload speeds and larger clips.

Over on the Engineer subforum someone had an idea for a passive unlock that shut down your sentry and dispenser, slowed you down by 15% and gave you the ability to fill allies' ammo up and give them an extra large clip. Obviously I thought that was a bad unlock. The extra ammo doesn't confer much of a DPS boost, and just reloading an ally's ammo stores isn't something that's really necessary, because there's so much ammo everywhere in TF2.

Plus, it was a passive unlock, which is aggressively boring, especially when this locks you out of the primary engineer weapons to administer such lame buff. So I wanted to create something a little more involved. I don't know how much I like these stats but I like the model of transaction.

Hit allies to give them more ammo.

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