Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Engineer MVM Buildings

Part of my MvM building project, this is the logical conclusion for building weapons for every class. I tried to give the Engineer practical problems to solve with his buildings. Unfortunately, these ideas also lend themselves to some of the cartooniest, corniest designs. Stunlocking and slowing enemies over a large AoE fits a magnet weapon, and honestly I wanted to give the Engineer a big horseshoe-magnet weapon. I had to take control of those influences when designing the Magnetron, but I still think I'm gonna stick a magnet on there. We'll see where the drawings take me when I start working on 'em. I think these have the most visible influence from Iron Brigade.

The Magnetron
Stunlocks enemies in close range, slows down enemies at midrange

The Magnetron is meant to keep enemies in places where they're vulnerable to your big bad sentries. Useful for setting up kill boxes and slowing enemies down in places in places where it's better that they go slow.

The Bill Collector
A vacuuming building that absorbs nearby piles of money.

The Generator
Looks like a small, gas-powered generator.Buffs friendly buildings, effectively making them "level 2"

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